This anthology includes my science fiction, dystopian short story:
How will super-cynical Maysing Volenda survive in a society where being positive is taken to a whole new level?
Perfect Flaw anthology.
Readers everywhere are invited to experience adventures of a dystopian nature in the anthology Perfect Flaw, from editor Robin Blankenship. Featuring seventeen speculative fiction tales, spanning many genres, Perfect Flaw explores the subject of societies gone wrong.
From “utopian” societies masking an underlying controlled state, to stories of people fighting back against repression, in hopes of a better world, the flaws that create a dystopian atmosphere are brought to light. Thought-provoking and entertaining, Perfect Flaw will be a welcome addition to any reader’s collection of dystopian literature.
Reader reviews
'From an obsession with cleanliness and safety in Frank Roger’s Cracks in the Concrete, through the scary brutality of goodwill in Carolyn Chang’s Smilers, to the shocking misery of Michael O’Connor’s The Choosing, and beyond, the stories run the gamut of sci-fi possibilities, haunt the reader with questions of probability, and offer a perfect mix of entertainment and food for thought.'
- Amazon Vine Voice reviewer
'Perfect Flaw gives the reader the what if society went too far? What if working towards the greater good, really isn't or is too high a price. As an editor, Blankenship does a good job of finding the stories to show this. Some were really good, like Smilers by Carolyn M. Chang; and Michael's Gate by Leslie J. Anderson.'
- Amazon reviewer