Dear C. M. Chang,
I’m a writer, but I have no time to read books. Work, writing, my attention-starved spouse, and my annoying little dog take up all my time. They say that writers should read, but who has the time? I don’t.
I. Toobusy
Dear I. Toobusy,
This has gotta be one of the dumbest things I’ve heard a writer say.
If you were to repeat this, say, to an agent or publisher, they would probably consider it a big red flag stuck right in your eyeball. It’s like saying I’m a musician but I have no time to listen to music. Or I’m an actor and I have no time to watch movies.
How are you going to get better if you don’t know what’s out there?
How are you going to learn if you don’t read good examples of writing?
How are you going to recognize crap writing? (Yours probably, because you don’t read.)
No time?
When you’re sitting there waiting to see the dentist or for the train or in a long line at a shop, you’re probably looking at your phone. Get a reading app and read an ebook instead of playing Candy Crush.
If you’re a writer, you love reading. If you don’t… Omg.
Honestly yours,
C. M. Chang